Spotting Hidden Diet Mentality

Written by: Maggie Sterling

February 11, 2025

conflicting thoughts representing diet mentality

What Really Is Diet Mentality?

At its core, diet mentality is a collection of beliefs and thoughts that keep us trapped in an unhealthy relationship with food. It's not just about following a specific diet – it's about the underlying mindset that drives our decisions and behaviors around eating.

Some key signs of diet mentality include:

  • Believing temporary food restrictions will lead to permanent happiness
  • Morally judging yourself based on what you eat
  • Cycling between rigid food rules and feelings of failure
  • Categorizing foods as "good" or "bad" without middle ground
  • Measuring self-worth through the number on the scale
  • Living by external food rules instead of internal wisdom
  • Pursuing thinness at the expense of overall wellbeing

Balanced approach to health showing both physical and mental wellbeing

The Health Obsession Trap

One of the most insidious ways diet mentality manifests is through the guise of "health." Many people hide their restrictive eating patterns behind claims of "I just feel better this way" or "I'm doing this for my health." While there's nothing wrong with wanting to eat healthily, this mindset can become problematic when:

  • It becomes a full-time obsession
  • You're using "health" to justify fear-based food restrictions
  • Your mental wellbeing suffers in pursuit of physical "optimization"
  • You're constantly seeking the next health hack or supplement
  • You're unable to enjoy social situations involving food

The truth is, if you find yourself unable to keep certain foods in your house or participate in normal social activities around food, that's not true health – that's diet mentality in disguise.

Person choosing to focus on overall wellbeing beyond the number on the scale

The Scale Obsession

Another major manifestation of diet mentality is an unhealthy relationship with the scale. This shows up as:

  • Letting the scale determine your daily mood
  • Making food choices based on daily weight fluctuations
  • Believing you've done something "wrong" if the scale goes up
  • Using scale movements to justify overeating or restriction

Remember: Daily weight fluctuations are normal and usually reflect changes in water retention and digestion – not fat loss or gain. The scale is just one data point among many, and it shouldn't dictate your choices or your worth.

Journey of progress showing steps toward freedom from diet mentality

Breaking Free from Diet Mentality

Overcoming diet mentality requires several key steps:

  1. Awareness: Recognize where these thoughts and beliefs show up in your life, even in subtle ways
  2. Openness: Be willing to question long-held beliefs about food and your body
  3. Permission: Allow yourself to eat foods you enjoy without moral judgment
  4. Trust: Learn to listen to your body's signals rather than external rules
  5. Patience: Understand that undoing years of diet mentality takes time

The Role of Planning vs. Restriction

One common misconception is that planning meals equals restriction. In reality, proper planning can actually help break free from diet mentality by:

  • Including foods you genuinely enjoy
  • Preventing last-minute decision fatigue
  • Reducing anxiety around food choices
  • Supporting consistent, sustainable habits
  • Allowing for flexibility while maintaining structure

The Path Forward

Breaking free from diet mentality isn't about throwing away all structure or eating without any consideration for health. Instead, it's about:

  • Finding balance between structure and flexibility
  • Making food choices from a place of self-care rather than fear
  • Learning to trust your body's signals
  • Creating sustainable habits that support your overall wellbeing
  • Focusing on progress over perfection

Remember that uncovering and addressing diet mentality is like peeling an onion – there are often many layers to work through. The beliefs you're currently aware of might just be the tip of the iceberg. Be patient with yourself as you uncover and address these deeply ingrained thought patterns.

Final Thoughts

The journey to breaking free from diet mentality isn't always linear, and it often requires support. While it might feel uncomfortable to question these long-held beliefs, remember that discomfort is often a sign of growth. You don't have to keep punching yourself in the face just because you've been doing it for years – there is another way.

The key is to remain open to identifying where diet mentality might be showing up in your life, even in ways you didn't expect. With awareness, support, and patience, you can build a healthier relationship with food that serves both your physical and mental wellbeing.


[00:00:00] Maggie: [00:00:05] [00:00:10] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the podcast [00:00:15] today. Oh, yeah. Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, [00:00:20] yeah. You guys, did you guys think that was me in the intro music? Because someone in Vibe [00:00:25] Club said that they thought it was me. And I re listened, and I'm like, not a chance. Not a chance this is me. [00:00:30] What?

[00:00:30] Ryan: The intro song.

[00:00:31] Maggie: Yeah, the intro, the intro song to this podcast.

[00:00:34] Ryan: That was a song we licensed for [00:00:35] you. Oh, yeah.

[00:00:35] Maggie: From

[00:00:36] Ryan: a music library.

[00:00:37] Maggie: Yeah, we, like, we got the right [00:00:40] to use it, right? Paid for the licensing of it or whatever, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, like, we didn't record it. Maybe they [00:00:45] think, like, why wouldn't we? You know, we just do everything in house over here with the tech stuff.

[00:00:48] Maggie: But it is not [00:00:50] me. Um, and, oh, that came up because, oh, someone had left a review saying, [00:00:55] please change the music.

[00:00:56] Ryan: Yeah. There's a skip button on your app. Oh. Just use that.

[00:00:59] Maggie: Here's the thing, [00:01:00] you guys, and I don't need to defend anything, but we actually, we chose that in the beginning, and then we had [00:01:05] a rebrand, as you guys know, when we turned from Sustaining Keto to whatever the last name was.

[00:01:09] Maggie: [00:01:10] It's too long to remember. Burn fat with your brain. And Ryan changed it for the rebrand, as like, makes sense, right, to [00:01:15] change it. And I was like, I hate this. Change it back. And he's like, I'm not going to change it back. Like, we're just going to keep it. And I'm like, [00:01:20] no, you need to change it back. And then people complained that they were sad, they missed the song, we ended up changing it back.

[00:01:24] Maggie: [00:01:25] And then for this rebrand, I'm like, I'm absolutely not changing it. We had multiple requests not to change it [00:01:30] back. And then people who were like, oh my gosh, it's so annoying. And that, that is just such a good example of, you [00:01:35] know, everybody's got their own opinion and you're never going to have anything where all the opinions land on one [00:01:40] side.

[00:01:40] Maggie: You know what I mean? But I'm keeping it, and I've had it since, other than the couple weeks we went without it, I've had it [00:01:45] since day one. And it's quirky, and it's fun, and it's not all dumb and business y, [00:01:50] and that's my whole goal as a business person.

[00:01:52] Ryan: And I think people, after hearing you explain that, they'll understand [00:01:55] why we have that song.

[00:01:56] Maggie: Yeah.

[00:01:56] Ryan: And how it fits.

[00:01:57] Maggie: And you guys, can I say something really [00:02:00] fucking quick? Do you, do you guys listen to other podcasts? Do you hear the [00:02:05] 15 minutes of ads in other people's podcasts? We know how to use the fast [00:02:10] forward button. I know we do. For sure. I do. I'm like, what the fuck is this? No, I don't [00:02:15] turbo tax.

[00:02:15] Maggie: What is this? Like, no. Okay. So

[00:02:17] Ryan: it's not just the ads, but they're, dude, they're [00:02:20] so long that a lot of people have. Introductions that you hear every time and you don't need to [00:02:25] hear that and everyone skips through those. So we know you. And like,

[00:02:28] Maggie: listen, if you are doing ads on your [00:02:30] podcast, congratulations, get that bag for sure.

[00:02:33] Maggie: Um, we've gone down [00:02:35] that route very, very briefly for a couple of products over the years, but not for a long time. And I think, I think they're [00:02:40] really annoying, but I understand why people do it. So anyways, the music stays. Use [00:02:45] that fast forward button. Vibe Club is still open for enrollment. We are having people joining [00:02:50] every single day, which warms my heart.

[00:02:51] Maggie: I love that the community is awesome. We're [00:02:55] loving it. So if you are, you know, resonating with what you hear on this podcast every week, I, [00:03:00] I don't, I can't remember. It's not like I don't hear back about this podcast, but I can't [00:03:05] remember. A time of recent past where I've heard as much back from people as I have over the [00:03:10] last maybe one to two months of the podcasts that are coming out.

[00:03:12] Maggie: I want you guys to know that the, these topics that [00:03:15] we've been covering are covered at length in Vibe Club. They are coached on, , [00:03:20] we get to take everything you hear on this podcast deeper there. So if it resonates here and you like [00:03:25] this podcast, I want to emphatically say you will love Vibe Club.

[00:03:28] Maggie: And that includes if you've [00:03:30] been in Vibe Club before, you will love it even more.

[00:03:32] Ryan: Okay. Like imagine you can text Maggie, now you can't [00:03:35] text Maggie, but like imagine you can text Maggie and she responds with a mini podcast based on [00:03:40] your question. That's kind of what's happening in WhatsApp sometimes.

[00:03:42] Ryan: Especially when I'm just, when I wake up and I'm full of [00:03:45] energy and I'm just, I'm ready to go. Because you can record audio notes in WhatsApp. And so that's what Maggie and [00:03:50] Monica have been doing. Yeah. It's been awesome. And people are seeing more results because of it.

[00:03:53] Maggie: Yeah. And it's just building more of [00:03:55] a community and we already know how easy it is to check out of a process.

[00:03:59] Maggie: Like, it is [00:04:00] so easy to just be like, I had someone just the other day who said they came in for two weeks, didn't give it [00:04:05] enough, whatever effort, and then they canceled and they reversed their cancellation. They saw what they were doing. And I [00:04:10] truly believe , it's. Aspects like the app and aspects like the WhatsApp [00:04:15] support that just make it so you're like, oh, I can't check out as easily and like, I know this is what I want.

[00:04:19] Maggie: When you [00:04:20]

[00:04:20] Ryan: have WhatsApp on your home screen and the notifications are coming through, it's hard to ignore. You have to put an effort to [00:04:25] ignore

[00:04:25] Maggie: it. Yeah.

[00:04:25] Ryan: Yeah, and you have to be like, no, I actually just want to keep overeating and this is reminding me of all the [00:04:30] mistakes I'm making. So I'm going to leave it or I'm going to silence it.

[00:04:32] Maggie: Yeah,

[00:04:32] Ryan: that's kind of what you have to do.

[00:04:33] Maggie: Yeah, it's, it's just [00:04:35] providing the ability to snap people out of it really quick. , that's the problem, right? , you don't get snapped [00:04:40] out of your bullshit quick enough. And then one, one meal turns into four days, turns into two weeks, turns into [00:04:45] two months.

[00:04:45] Maggie: We don't want that to happen. So that's what we're able to do there. We're just able to quickly shift to [00:04:50] the perspective. But then, I mean, that's just the we have on what tap. I want to remind everybody we have weekly. [00:04:55] coaching calls as well, whether they're Q and A's, coaching calls with me, coaching calls with Monica.

[00:04:58] Maggie: So I want to just [00:05:00] gently but firmly invite you to join the club. Um, you can go to vibewithmaggie. [00:05:05] com and get started right today. All right, what are we chatting about today?

[00:05:08] Ryan: Somebody said something , in [00:05:10] Vibe Club that made me, I had a thought.

[00:05:12] Maggie: Okay. And I think this is going to be good. This is going to be a good [00:05:15] distinction.

[00:05:15] Ryan: , someone said, are we not supposed to be dieting is what they said.

[00:05:18] Maggie: What was, do you know what the wider context, what [00:05:20] that was, or you're just, that's just

[00:05:21] Ryan: what we're, okay. I can't find it, but it just made me think, I think dieting is more so a [00:05:25] state of mind than anything else.

[00:05:26] Maggie: Yeah.

[00:05:26] Ryan: And it's a, it's a state of mind and it's a set of beliefs [00:05:30] because people eat all kinds of stuff and like , sometimes I go through phases where I would eat what is [00:05:35] considered diet food, but , I wouldn't say I'm dieting. I don't feel like I'm dieting. There's no lens of like [00:05:40] temporary or like thoughts that I'm stretching myself or doing things that aren't [00:05:45] sustainable.

[00:05:45] Maggie: Okay.

[00:05:46] Ryan: . And so I think it just kind of blends into. If dieting is a state of [00:05:50] mind, then it's really coming down to like diet mentality and what is that?

[00:05:53] Maggie: Yeah. It's so interesting because , [00:05:55] dieting to me is so charged, but then when you put it into like, oh, diet is just the food that you eat. [00:06:00] But yeah, but with your dieting, there's just this inherent energy and [00:06:05] vibe about it that you are eating in a way.

[00:06:08] Maggie: That is short term, it's not going to [00:06:10] be over the long term, it is going to end at some point because you're not going to be in dieting mode [00:06:15] forever, despite the fact that anything you put into your mouth is your diet. We're not talking about your diet, we're talking [00:06:20] about dieting. Dieting is a state of mind.

[00:06:23] Maggie: When we are referencing that, we [00:06:25] are referencing, ,

[00:06:26] Maggie: See, I don't like referencing it that much. Okay, when we are referencing dieting, we are talking about that diet [00:06:30] mentality that is full of rules and shoulds and musts and have tos and an energy [00:06:35] with which you are using your food choices and even your exercise [00:06:40] choices to restrict to a level that is essentially overriding the [00:06:45] signals that your body has for you.

[00:06:46] Ryan: It's such an important topic for us to talk about. , because it's such [00:06:50] a hard hurdle for people to overcome their own beliefs about things.

[00:06:54] Maggie: [00:06:55] Yes.

[00:06:55] Ryan: And, and especially It's nearly

[00:06:56] Maggie: impossible to get people to I know, I know. I saw

[00:06:59] Ryan: you, I saw [00:07:00] you talking to people on WhatsApp yesterday. It's one of the things you spend most of your , time helping people do [00:07:05] because if they can't overcome their diet thoughts, their diet mentality, then like really [00:07:10] doing the work is, it doesn't work as good.

[00:07:12] Maggie: I was listening to a Tony Robbins event, okay? I [00:07:15] love him. I love him. I've always loved him. And one of the things that stood out most, and I've got a notepad so [00:07:20] prepare to be sick of me with the Tony shit, you guys coming up soon. But he basically said that. , [00:07:25] you can have the perfect strategy and it cannot work because of the story.

[00:07:29] Maggie: [00:07:30] So you're right, I can tell you exactly what to do, but if your [00:07:35] story is rooted in that diet mentality, it doesn't matter if I give you the perfect [00:07:40] strategy, aka do exactly this. Because the energy you're doing [00:07:45] that with is based on a faulty belief system. And belief systems are rough, especially [00:07:50] the diet belief systems, because they are also rooted in health and what is actually good.

[00:07:54] Maggie: [00:07:55] good for me. And like the dogma around actual foods and how they actually [00:08:00] affect your body that we're making all these choices in the name of health, but you're making those choices in [00:08:05] the name of fear. It is not about the health. We can get to that later. You want to eat healthy. I [00:08:10] want you to eat healthy.

[00:08:11] Maggie: Unfortunately, there's some work in between you and eating for your health [00:08:15] because you're fucking terrified of all the foods. It is not healing to stick [00:08:20] all this shit in the corner, the foods and the whatever and the treats and the whatever [00:08:25] in the corner under a blanket and then say, I'm just doing this because I just feel best this [00:08:30] way.

[00:08:30] Maggie: That is not freedom. You still have your diet mentality, whether or not you put a blanket [00:08:35] over it and say it's because of this. When we really know. If we take a longer look [00:08:40] at your life and if you expect to be someone who eats birthday cake for birthdays, when birthdays come up, [00:08:45] and you expect to be someone that can go out and get chips and salsa and margaritas with your [00:08:50] friends for girls night, if that's who you're gonna be, then You're not doing yourself [00:08:55] any favors by hiding that in the corner because the biggest issue I see with [00:09:00] clients is you are not planning the foods that you want to eat because of this diet [00:09:05] mentality.

[00:09:05] Maggie: And you hear me when I say this, you are eating them [00:09:10] anyway. You're eating them anyway, so who gives a fuck about the health stuff? [00:09:15] You're eating them anyway, and because you're not planning them, because you have that diet mentality so [00:09:20] rooted, you're actually overeating them. So you're going completely against the actual goal that you have, [00:09:25] because your goal is to be healthier.

[00:09:26] Maggie: So you're not planning these foods, but you're eating these foods anyway, and then you're overeating them [00:09:30] because you believe you're not supposed to have them. Start the process over. I just feel better without margaritas and chips and [00:09:35] salsa. Okay. I do too. That doesn't mean I'm not going to have them every so often, that's what my life [00:09:40] is going to look like.

[00:09:40] Maggie: So I must do that work and stop hiding my [00:09:45] diet mentality underneath the name of health. And I just feel [00:09:50] better. Okay, then I want you to go into a room with all of your favorite. I want you to bring all your favorite foods into your house [00:09:55] for a week and let me know how that goes. But no, we don't do that.

[00:09:57] Maggie: We just keep it out of, if we keep it out of our house, [00:10:00] out of sight, out of mind is not healing. It is not neutralizing. That is the diet [00:10:05] mentality that we're talking about. It is a state of mind, and it [00:10:10] masquerades as many different things. It masquerades as, this is just who I want to be. I just [00:10:15] prefer And it's so funny, because like the other day, oh my gosh, what was it?

[00:10:19] Maggie: I had a [00:10:20] client who mentioned that she had ice cream and she didn't overeat. And she's like, turns out I'm [00:10:25] not lactose intolerant. I'm actually eat the whole pint intolerant and I'm like, I love [00:10:30] that. Great example. I had another example where someone said that their digestion is so much [00:10:35] better. Well, why?

[00:10:36] Maggie: Because they took all the carbs out of there? No, because they stopped [00:10:40] overeating. So I bet your health, you're feeling probably a lot better in your body, right? Because you changed everything? [00:10:45] No.

[00:10:45] Ryan: How does your digestion feel when we go on vacation?

[00:10:47] Maggie: awful. It takes [00:10:50] me like a week to get back to normal, just completely constipated.

[00:10:54] Maggie: Well, [00:10:55] that's just if I overeat. If I don't, I don't have issues with bread. I don't have issues with [00:11:00] dairy. I don't have those issues. So that's what's more funny to me is [00:11:05] that like a lot of the time it is in the name of being healthy, but I'm like, It's almost like the assumption that you have is [00:11:10] I don't want to eat these things, and I should never eat them again.

[00:11:14] Maggie: It's [00:11:15] like that's the underlying driver. But then you do eat them, and you think that the way to fix that is I [00:11:20] need to not want these foods anymore. That's what I need. I need the desire to go away. We had another [00:11:25] person who also said that they went carnivore, right? In the WhatsApp group, they went carnivore, and they said that [00:11:30] it worked for their food noise until it didn't.

[00:11:32] Maggie: Because what is carnivore, ultimately? You guys are going to hate my [00:11:35] definition. It is elimination, it's get it out of my house, it's get it out of my [00:11:40] eyesight. Oh my god, the food noise is so low. And you guys, I say this not to be like, [00:11:45] I'm not trying to be, say this in a taunting way because I did this with keto.

[00:11:48] Maggie: This is what I did with keto. [00:11:50] Oh, I just, no, I just prefer, I don't even like, that's been coming up a ton in vibe club too. I don't even [00:11:55] like sweets.

[00:11:56] Ryan: And that's, people say that and it comes from diet mentality. It comes from a diet mentality. They're [00:12:00] trying to convince themselves. And

[00:12:00] Maggie: it comes from fear. Who the fuck doesn't like sweets?

[00:12:03] Maggie: Yeah. It's like they don't [00:12:05] like that they like sweets. That's the honest way to say that. I don't like that I like pizza. [00:12:10] I don't like, I don't like that I have a desire for things that I always [00:12:15] overeat.

[00:12:15] Ryan: And I shouldn't have.

[00:12:16] Maggie: And I shouldn't have those things and I want that desire to [00:12:20] be gone. But what you guys don't realize is that the unconditional permission to eat all those [00:12:25] foods is what's going to give you what you want, which is the reduced desire.

[00:12:28] Maggie: You want that desire to [00:12:30] come down. What's the best way to raise desire on something? Restrict it. Tell yourself it's [00:12:35] off limits. Tell yourself you're not allowed to have it. That's how you just freaking [00:12:40] just add fuel to the desire fire. Oh, oh, not the [00:12:45] desire fire, not fanning the desire fire, [00:12:50] okay.

[00:12:51] Ryan: Um, I asked AI to explain 20 [00:12:55] concise ways to explain diet mentality. Okay. These are like 20 very short sentences, you want me to start reading [00:13:00] through them and you can pause me if you want to talk about one?

[00:13:01] Ryan: Okay. Okay, number one, believing temporary food restrictions [00:13:05] will lead to permanent happiness.

[00:13:06] Maggie: Yes, say it again.

[00:13:09] Ryan: Believing [00:13:10] temporary food restrictions will lead to permanent happiness.

[00:13:13] Maggie: Yeah, well that's just bullshit, I don't, there's not [00:13:15] much to say on that.

[00:13:15] Ryan: Morally judging yourself based on what you eat.

[00:13:18] Ryan: Cycling between rigid food rules [00:13:20] and feelings of failure.

[00:13:21] Maggie: That sounds awful. All these things are so fucking, this is the worst list I've ever heard.

[00:13:24] Ryan: [00:13:25] Putting life on hold until reaching an ideal weight. Completely unrealistic. Categorizing foods as [00:13:30] good or bad without middle ground. Yep.

[00:13:32] Maggie: Top thing I recommend you stop.

[00:13:33] Ryan: Measuring self worth through the number on your [00:13:35] scale. Please stop. Living by external food rules instead of internal wisdom.

[00:13:39] Maggie: Yeah. [00:13:40] Hate that.

[00:13:40] Ryan: Pursuing thinness at the expense of overall well being.

[00:13:43] Maggie: Yeah. That's, that's the big [00:13:45] thing. Like I, so many people just circling back to the whole health aspect is [00:13:50] that sometimes even this big focus on health, like you don't realize that .

[00:13:53] Maggie: Your emotional health [00:13:55] is suffering now because your health like because I've seen I mean we've discussed this in a [00:14:00] small way and in the past I know but like orthorexia is a is an eating disorder [00:14:05] that's obsessed with health. You're obsessed with health. You're obsessed with. Being as [00:14:10] healthy as you can and like the good food, bad food mentality is on a completely different level.

[00:14:13] Maggie: That's why we really have to toe [00:14:15] the line carefully because it can be a full time obsession just the same as binge eating [00:14:20] disorder or anorexia. Like all of these things is like we're taking something to an extreme.

[00:14:24] Ryan: [00:14:25] Yeah.

[00:14:25] Maggie: I think the obsession with health and eating in the name of health and doing all these [00:14:30] hacks in the name of health is a bit, is a much bigger problem than is being discussed these days.

[00:14:34] Maggie: I think [00:14:35] it's, I think it is absolutely. Undercover OCD that people are not realizing [00:14:40] that I, I recorded a voice note about this the other day to a client that it's like, first it's the [00:14:45] cold plunges, then it's the supplements, then it's the cryotherapy, then it's the red light, then it's, and none of those [00:14:50] things are bad in and of themselves, but what I've seen from the outside is the way that shit snowballs, and suddenly [00:14:55] we're trying to micromanage everything in the name of health, your mental well being, you know?

[00:14:59] Maggie: Is suffering [00:15:00] because now micromanaging every aspect of your life is now your full time job.

[00:15:04] Ryan: What comes from the [00:15:05] fear mongering on social media?

[00:15:06] Maggie: Yes. Well, and also the optimization crowd on [00:15:10] social media. You're never doing enough. You could always do more.

[00:15:13] Ryan: Yeah.

[00:15:14] Maggie: Have you tried [00:15:15] cold plunges? Are you taking your magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin C?

[00:15:19] Maggie: I mean, [00:15:20] it will never end. That is a path that keeps people busy and I think we need to be, I'm going [00:15:25] off topic right now, maybe, I don't know, but I think we need to be aware of when this obsession [00:15:30] with our health and also our bodies is a distraction from just doing some [00:15:35] other shit in the world.

[00:15:35] Maggie: Like you guys have other things to do than to just spend all day optimizing with [00:15:40] every tip Huberman Lab has for you. It can become a full time job. And when we, when we [00:15:45] pull it all back, you should be getting fresh air. You should be trying to sleep. You should be getting [00:15:50] some water. And you should be eating generally in a way that makes you feel good, but also gives you the freedom to [00:15:55] enjoy living on this earth as well.

[00:15:57] Maggie: That's, anything else is bells and [00:16:00] whistles.

[00:16:00] Ryan: Yeah. Uh, next one. Believing weight loss equals automatic life improvement.

[00:16:04] Maggie: [00:16:05] Absolutely untrue.

[00:16:05] Ryan: Yeah. Trading sustainable habits for quick fix solutions. Viewing few [00:16:10] choices as moral decisions rather than preferences. That's

[00:16:13] Maggie: exactly what we talked about. Yeah. Say that one more time [00:16:15] though.

[00:16:15] Ryan: Viewing food choices as moral decisions rather than preferences. Yeah. Food choices are just [00:16:20] preferences. And

[00:16:20] Maggie: that's another way that it can become this moral, you have this moral high ground where it's like, well, I don't eat [00:16:25] sugar. Okay. Until you do. So that's fine. But until you do, and when [00:16:30] you do, you don't have the control that you think you have.

[00:16:32] Maggie: And that's another way that these things are [00:16:35] masquerading as these obsessive compulsive focuses on Shit [00:16:40] that is helping you feel like you've got a really strong grasp on your life. But if that's not [00:16:45] true when you're, , faced with one of your favorite foods in front of you or in your house or at a party or on a [00:16:50] trip, you do not have the control that you think you have.

[00:16:52] Maggie: And I am just constantly screaming, it's worth [00:16:55] doing that work so that that's not a problem for you anymore.

[00:16:57] Ryan: Yeah. Postponing joy until reaching an [00:17:00] arbitrary body goal. Yeah. That's dumb. Letting the scale determine your daily mood.

[00:17:04] Maggie: Yeah. [00:17:05]

[00:17:05] Ryan: But going through this in Vibe Club, we have a daily weighing challenge going on that the members started themselves.

[00:17:09] Maggie: [00:17:10] So you guys are going to hear this, what, a couple of days after we record it. Yeah. This is an ongoing challenge. I did [00:17:15] not set it up, but I have a, uh, just a, a group of people who are like, listen, we're trying to neutralize. [00:17:20] the scale weigh ins and we're doing that through exposure therapy, okay, so we're getting on that scale and [00:17:25] just letting, letting that exist, deciding what we're going to think , and collecting that data over time.[00:17:30]

[00:17:30] Maggie: But we need to do an entire, I shared the scale episode that I [00:17:35] did. It was episode number 170, which I did by myself, but you and I probably need to do an [00:17:40] updated version. The other one is good as well, but the way we see the [00:17:45] scale dictating and what you do over the next 12 waking hours, [00:17:50] it's got to stop.

[00:17:51] Maggie: When the scale is down, that doesn't mean you have more room to [00:17:55] overeat and it's time to celebrate. When the scale is up, that does not mean there's no overeating [00:18:00] today. I need to be actually extra strict. We're not eating that snack or that dessert. The scale is [00:18:05] up. There's been a lot of really good coaching going on around that because the drama [00:18:10] knows no bounds with the scale.

[00:18:12] Maggie: It is just no matter how many times I [00:18:15] say, what you did yesterday has nothing to do with what the scale says today. , [00:18:20] everybody is up in arms over shit and water because we think we're gaining [00:18:25] two pounds overnight or we think we're losing two pounds overnight. That's what you guys are [00:18:30] freaking out about, by the way.

[00:18:31] Maggie: Shit and water. This is what I have to do. I [00:18:35] have to take it to an extreme where people will hear me. Because otherwise I'm saying things like, there are [00:18:40] many things that affect the scale. There aren't that many things, you guys. There aren't that many things that affect [00:18:45] the scale. Especially three pounds up, two pounds down.

[00:18:47] Maggie: All of that. And I believe it was [00:18:50] last week's episode where we talked about you don't deserve a reward for not overeating for one day. [00:18:55] And if it was that hard for you, that you feel like you need a reward, we need to work on the thinking [00:19:00] around the work that you're doing every day.

[00:19:01] Ryan: I understand it because I was once there obviously, but letting the scale [00:19:05] determine your daily mood.

[00:19:06] Maggie: Yeah. Your mood or your decisions. Like

[00:19:08] Ryan: a daily weight means nothing. [00:19:10] Okay. It means absolutely nothing. And the only way to overcome letting the scale dictate your [00:19:15] daily mood is to see the daily data over a span of 30 [00:19:20] days,

[00:19:20] Ryan: exposing yourself to that daily data will show you what the trends do, and the more you [00:19:25] expose yourself to it, the more you understand it, you hiding from it. Is just keeping yourself [00:19:30] ignorant.

[00:19:30] Maggie: Yeah, and this falls into the same category. When we hide the scale, [00:19:35] right, and we put a blanket over it, but then anytime we step on the scale, then we go to a doctor's office and we're [00:19:40] like, Oh my God, and we get too super triggered.

[00:19:42] Maggie: That doesn't mean any healing has happened. It just means that we put it out of sight, out of [00:19:45] mind. Falls into the same category. It's not just about getting on the scale every day. Right? If any [00:19:50] of you guys are familiar with exposure response prevention, it's like a legit, uh, therapeutic [00:19:55] tool, which whatever for like OCD, anxiety.

[00:19:58] Maggie: The whole point is to [00:20:00] expose yourself to something and then create a different response. Not to respond the way you used to, not to do [00:20:05] your avoidance behaviors, not to do your compulsive things, not try to solve, not to do anything that, but to expose yourself to [00:20:10] the thing and then not do what you always do.

[00:20:12] Maggie: And so it's not just about collecting that data [00:20:15] over time. It's about getting on the scale and practicing every single day. The show [00:20:20] goes on exactly the way it was going on. Nothing changes right now. What [00:20:25] changes is I'm going to follow my plan. That's it. And when I say that, I mean I'm not going to [00:20:30] overeat.

[00:20:30] Maggie: That's it. I get on the scale. The scale is up. I follow my plan. I don't overeat. I get on the scale. The scale [00:20:35] is down. I follow my plan. I don't overeat. Nothing changes. It's the exact same thing. That's so exciting. [00:20:40] You just keep going, but this whole like, the scale is up two pounds from yesterday [00:20:45] and I didn't overeat.

[00:20:46] Maggie: Good job. It might be up. It might be down two pounds tomorrow. We have no [00:20:50] idea because it doesn't matter what's happening from day to day. So we do need to do a full [00:20:55] podcast, but we basically just did because that's the majority of what we want to tell you regarding the scale and letting it dictate [00:21:00] your choices.

[00:21:01] Maggie: Or specifically, what's listed here is your mood. Like, now your whole day is [00:21:05] ruined because the scale is up. And then, just imagine how that affects your food choices. You're so [00:21:10] pissed about the scale that now you're overeating. So now, again, we're taking action that [00:21:15] goes directly against the goals that we actually have.

[00:21:18] Ryan: Yeah.

[00:21:18] Maggie: We want the scale to be down and [00:21:20] we're mad about that, so I'm gonna overeat. We have to start bringing our rational brains into this process because [00:21:25] otherwise our subconscious diet beliefs and diet mentality Will be running the [00:21:30] show.

[00:21:30] Ryan: Should I just keep reading?

[00:21:31] Maggie: Just do a couple more and then we'll wrap it up.

[00:21:33] Maggie: I think we've, I think we've, There's only five more. Okay.

[00:21:34] Ryan: [00:21:35] Ignoring body signals in favor of diet rules. I

[00:21:37] Maggie: hate that so much. That's the one I hate actually of all the ones [00:21:40] You've mentioned. I hate that one the most.

[00:21:41] Ryan: Fascinating. Ignoring body signals in favor of diet rules. Yeah. Yeah. [00:21:45] Thinking perfect eating leads to a perfect life.

[00:21:47] Maggie: And, like, what is perfect eating, either? [00:21:50] Like,

[00:21:50] Ryan: Doesn't exist.

[00:21:51] Maggie: I heard a really good quote from Tony again in this thing where he said, Perfectionism [00:21:55] is the lowest level of standards I can have for myself. And I don't remember the [00:22:00] context or how he explained it, but I'm just gonna leave you guys with that.

[00:22:02] Maggie: He's like, because you, it's impossible. [00:22:05] You can't do it. So it's it's just this facade that you can accomplish something that can't even be [00:22:10] accomplished for what and it's this expectation that like we've mentioned before, you can always do more and more and [00:22:15] be healthier and do more and more and more and more.

[00:22:17] Maggie: It's it's a moving target. It's you'll never end up [00:22:20] there. So it is a low expectation to have for yourself. You're never going to end up in that place.

[00:22:24] Ryan: Yeah, some of these [00:22:25] are kind of redundant Prioritizing appearance over physical and mental health, following rigid food [00:22:30] rules instead of personal needs, equating body size with personal value and [00:22:35] success, letting food guilt control your daily choices.

[00:22:38] Ryan: Oof.

[00:22:38] Maggie: So that gives you a list of [00:22:40] 20 things that you guys can think about and if they apply to you. And I think the biggest thing [00:22:45] with diet mentality is like you have to be willing to let go of it. If there's one problem [00:22:50] that I see, the biggest issue with helping women to stop this process, to [00:22:55] get rid of the diet mentality, is their actual willingness to let it go.

[00:22:58] Maggie: Because I'm not going to rip it [00:23:00] out of your hands. I'll tell you what, that's not my job as a coach. I can show it to you. I can show you what your [00:23:05] brain is doing. But when you believe that the diet rules trump the [00:23:10] coaching, That you're getting on it when you believe that the diet rules are stronger and more [00:23:15] important than actually eliminating the fear or [00:23:20] eliminating the bad habits or eliminating , the avoidance behaviors that you have, it's always [00:23:25] going to remain a living thing for you.

[00:23:26] Maggie: It's always going to remain alive and something that [00:23:30] is always existing right under the surface.

[00:23:32] Ryan: And there's phases of peeling back the layers here. [00:23:35] The first step in what I think this podcast is trying to do is help you understand what kind of a problem it is.

[00:23:39] Maggie: Yeah.

[00:23:39] Ryan: And [00:23:40] then once you actually understand the problem, .

[00:23:42] Ryan: It's your willingness to look at [00:23:45] it, change it, and also to figure out the sneaky ways that it pops up still, [00:23:50] because you're going to try and convince yourself that you still need this stuff.

[00:23:52] Maggie: Yes, exactly. You still need

[00:23:53] Ryan: these beliefs.

[00:23:54] Maggie: So [00:23:55] What he's saying is. You won't see it as diet mentality.

[00:23:58] Maggie: , and that's the problem. How do we [00:24:00] fix something that we aren't, isn't in our awareness as a problem? So you have to be open to where [00:24:05] you're missing your own diet mentality. That's where coaching and a group like Vibe Club can come [00:24:10] very in handy because we've had these beliefs for so long that What do you mean?

[00:24:14] Maggie: This isn't diet [00:24:15] mentality. I just prefer eating this way. I just prefer these types of

[00:24:18] Ryan: rules. They're good for me. [00:24:20] It's 90 percent of the coaching that goes on is pointing out diet mentality to people that where they don't see it. It's their diet [00:24:25] mentality blind spots.

[00:24:25] Maggie: Yeah. And, and that can be hard because we don't.

[00:24:28] Maggie: I would have loved [00:24:30] for someone to tell me that my keto beliefs were diet mentality. I wasn't [00:24:35] ready for that. But I wasn't in a group, you know, looking for that either. But if somebody

[00:24:39] Ryan: had told you, [00:24:40] you would have gone in one ear and out the other.

[00:24:41] Maggie: Absolutely. I would have been like, well, you don't know me.

[00:24:44] Maggie: This is what's right [00:24:45] for me. I'm in my own body. Fuck off. That's that would have been my response. Yeah. [00:24:50] But. Once I became open to the fact that this is a problem, I want to know where [00:24:55] my blind spots are. I want to learn this. I want to be wrong. I want to be wrong about needing this. [00:25:00] I want to be wrong about ketosis being the only way I can live my life.

[00:25:04] Maggie: I want to be wrong [00:25:05] about how this is so great for my brain fog. I want to be wrong about these things.

[00:25:09] Ryan: You didn't see [00:25:10] it as a problem, you saw it as a solution. 100%. To your problems.

[00:25:12] Maggie: Yeah. So it's like, well, don't take my [00:25:15] solution away. This is working just fine. And those are the comments I see on the internet.

[00:25:18] Maggie: The most it's like, no, no, this [00:25:20] is, this is good for me. I love this. And I'm like, I, okay, I'm, I'm wanting to work [00:25:25] with people , who are like, something is off here and I might not see it all. I see a little [00:25:30] bit of it for sure. But that's the problem is I think our expectation when we get the awareness that are, [00:25:35] we do have diet mentality, it does exist.

[00:25:37] Maggie: You are seeing the. Tip of the iceberg because [00:25:40] I was just referencing I can't remember where the podcast where I did episode [00:25:45] 130. I'm not keto anymore And I remember being so apologetic in that podcast Maybe me to [00:25:50] me maybe me to you guys but being like, you know, I just want peas like I just want p [00:25:55] e a s not peas Peas

[00:25:56] Ryan: green vegetable.

[00:25:57] Maggie: I just want rice. I just want at that [00:26:00] time my diet mentality. I was only beginning that journey for [00:26:05] myself. That was me being like, okay, I'm like, I'm going to figure this out. I'm not doing keto anymore. But like, that [00:26:10] was the tip of the iceberg. I had no idea how deep the diet mentality [00:26:15] went. I had no idea how much food rules and food beliefs were.

[00:26:18] Maggie: Um, making my daily [00:26:20] plans for me, making my decisions for me. I, that was my intro. So just be [00:26:25] aware to the level you think you have diet mentality, it's probably 10x that. And most of that is [00:26:30] completely subconscious for you right now. It is not a conscious awareness that you have.

[00:26:33] Ryan: Yeah. And I think prior to that, you [00:26:35] understood it was a problem, but up until that point.

[00:26:37] Ryan: You weren't really open to being wrong about it. And [00:26:40] once you were open to being wrong about it, I feel like it happened a lot faster. Of course it happened a lot faster.

[00:26:44] Maggie: [00:26:45] But what I'm saying is it's kind of like onions. You are peeling back the layers and you get to a point where you're like, Oh, I still [00:26:50] have these thoughts that I should overeat on vacation.

[00:26:52] Maggie: Cause that's what you do because you need a break from your [00:26:55] routine. Wait, I don't need a break from my routine. My routine works just fine for me. I don't. I'm going to continue as normal, like [00:27:00] little things like that were over time, me and Monica laugh about how we used to get like two donuts [00:27:05] when we would go to the donut store.

[00:27:06] Maggie: And then we just realized that we could just have a couple bites of [00:27:10] each donut. Like we didn't need to be overeating. It's like this slow unpeeling of like, I can't [00:27:15] have everything I want. I just, I'm not going to overeat it anymore. It became very, very simple. [00:27:20] You guys don't realize your. Your diet rules are making things very complex for you.

[00:27:24] Maggie: I don't want to waste the [00:27:25] donuts, Maggie. I don't want to waste the donuts, god forbid. Sneaky diet

[00:27:28] Ryan: mentality.

[00:27:28] Maggie: Very sneaky diet [00:27:30] mentality. That one always gets me. It's like, I don't want to waste it, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna eat it when I'm not hungry. And [00:27:35] then your body's like, that was an overdue, I'm gonna store this as fat for you.

[00:27:38] Maggie: Dude,

[00:27:38] Ryan: ask, next time you're in the donut shop, [00:27:40] ask them how many donuts they throw away at the end of the day. Oh my gosh, I'm sure hundreds. You're worried about wasting a fucking [00:27:45] donut? Yeah. Ask them how many they throw away. Yeah. Okay? Yeah, give me a break.

[00:27:48] Maggie: It's sneaky. It's sneaky. And [00:27:50] it comes for to be like, well, growing up, you know, we were forced to finish our food on our plate, all that stuff.

[00:27:54] Maggie: [00:27:55] Okay, now what would now what would you like to do? Would you like to consider overfueling yourself in the name of I [00:28:00] was forced to finish my plate when I was younger? Because we get to decide that at a certain point. And then also the full [00:28:05] knowledge, it is being wasted regardless, unless you can save it and eat it later, it's being wasted [00:28:10] in your body.

[00:28:11] Maggie: And it's producing a lack of results for you when you are eating. Because [00:28:15] you don't want to waste something. It's getting wasted on your body. We just, we just did like [00:28:20] 14 different mini, mini side shows , in this podcast because, because that's how [00:28:25] applicable the diet mentality is. Whether it's the scale, whether, I mean, and I do, and I yap all [00:28:30] day.

[00:28:30] Maggie: That's what I do all day in Vibe Club is we figure out where these blind spots exist and [00:28:35] you're not always going to be ready for the information. That comes from a coach, you're [00:28:40] not, but we're there to show you your blind spots and to help you based, not based on what we think you [00:28:45] should do, by the way, based on the concerns you're coming to us with, you know, it's, [00:28:50] it's, what are your concerns?

[00:28:51] Maggie: How are you're overeating all the time? Could it be because you are not [00:28:55] planning these foods? Yes. Plan the foods, but I can't plan the foods. They're bad for me. [00:29:00] Diet mentality. That's what it is. So I need you to plan the foods. You don't want to do that because you don't want to let [00:29:05] go of your diet mentality.

[00:29:06] Maggie: But your frustration comes with the fact that you're overeating these foods. Do you see how we're [00:29:10] just going in a fucking circle over and over and over again? In order for you to make the progress you want to [00:29:15] make, you are going to have to release this aspect of your diet mentality. And then once we do that, um, [00:29:20] congratulations, we've pulled off that, that layer of the onion.

[00:29:23] Maggie: And then. We move on to the next [00:29:25] one. You're not going to like, you're not going to like this one either. Then we just pull off those, but

[00:29:29] Ryan: it's

[00:29:29] Maggie: to free [00:29:30] you.

[00:29:30] Ryan: It's like you don't go to therapy and expect like the therapist to tell you what you want to [00:29:35] hear.

[00:29:35] Maggie: Well, otherwise you're, you're paying for just reassurance all day long and just don't make [00:29:40] me feel bad.

[00:29:40] Maggie: Don't make me have to do uncomfortable things. That's life. That's [00:29:45] growth. But you have to some people it really is just like you're going to have to rip my diet mentality from my [00:29:50] cold dead hands and it's like, no, I don't want to do that. I have no interest in doing that. But I see the [00:29:55] pain that you're in.

[00:29:56] Maggie: And so because of that, I must highlight the fact that the pain is being [00:30:00] created by the diet mentality.

[00:30:01] Ryan: Aka your thoughts.

[00:30:02] Maggie: Aka your thinking about [00:30:05] food, about the scale, about Working out about all of it. We, you've got diet [00:30:10] mentality around all of it. I coach on that all the time. Same thing goes for exercise.

[00:30:14] Maggie: No, [00:30:15] it's, the funny thing is, I could, I could give you a greatest hits playlist of all [00:30:20] the things where I would say, no matter how many times I tell them this, it doesn't matter [00:30:25] why, because the diet mentality belief is stronger than what I'm saying. I can tell you the [00:30:30] strategy, but your story is what's going to stand in the way.

[00:30:33] Maggie: That's why we work on our [00:30:35] stories in Vibe Club. That's why we work on, what are your thoughts about it? Okay. Do you want to let that [00:30:40] go? Or do you want to keep you? It's like you're holding on to something. I don't know a good example off the top of my head, [00:30:45] but like I've heard it described as like you're over there hitting yourself in the face.

[00:30:48] Maggie: We'll go with that one, right? You're punching [00:30:50] yourself in the face. And I'm like, do you know you could stop punching yourself in the face? And you're like, I know, but I've [00:30:55] been punching myself in the face for 40 years. And I'm like, I know, but that's irrelevant. Just because you've been punching yourself [00:31:00] in the face for 40 years does not mean you have to keep punching yourself in the face.

[00:31:03] Maggie: And I like try to grab their hand, but [00:31:05] they're They're stronger than me and I'm like, I will let you keep punching yourself in the face as long as you want [00:31:10] to, but I don't think you like it as much as you think you like it. I know it's what I [00:31:15] know. It's what I know. It's familiar, but I, I think your life would be a lot [00:31:20] better if you stopped punching yourself in the face and I'm going to tell you why, but I can't.

[00:31:24] Maggie: Be [00:31:25] with you all the time to grab your wrist. I'm going to try a couple times though. I will try to grab that [00:31:30] wrist a couple times just to kind of show you what it's like to get the break from punching yourself in the face. But [00:31:35] ultimately the arm is attached to your body and you have to decide when the thing that you're doing that you [00:31:40] think is so good for you is actually not as good for you as you thought.

[00:31:42] Maggie: And you need to put your fucking hand down. [00:31:45] Okay.

[00:31:45] Ryan: Yeah.

[00:31:45] Maggie: All right, everybody. We'll see you next week.

[00:31:47] Ryan: See you next [00:31:50] week.

Listen to the full episode:

About the author

Maggie is a Certified Life Coach from the Life Coach School, specializing in helping people develop a mindset-first approach to weight loss. Through her podcast "Why We Overeat" and her coaching program, she helps clients break free from the cycle of dieting and develop a sustainable relationship with food.