"Where did the person who made the plan go?"
This question, posed by one of our community members, perfectly captures a frustration many people face with food planning. You wake up motivated, create what seems like the perfect eating plan for the day, yet by evening, it feels like a completely different person is making your food decisions. Let's explore why this happens and how to bridge this gap between your morning and evening selves.
The version of you who makes the plan in the morning often isn't being realistic. Before hunger kicks in and while motivation is high, it's easy to schedule "sensible" choices like an apple for a snack or a light salad for lunch. But this idealistic planning doesn't account for your actual day – the stress, fatigue, hunger levels, or real-life interruptions you'll experience.
Your morning self might write down a day of "perfect" eating: protein oatmeal for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and salmon with rice for dinner. By mid-afternoon, you're not only uninterested in following this plan – you're actively rebelling against it. Why? Because the plan wasn't created for the real you – it was created for an idealized version of you that doesn't exist.
The key to bridging the gap between morning you and evening you isn't willpower – it's honesty. If you've been eating cookies for breakfast, jumping straight to egg whites isn't realistic. Instead, consider what a genuine step forward might look like. Maybe it's eggs and toast with a cookie on the side. This might sound counterintuitive, especially if your goal is weight loss, but remember: we're building consistency first, optimization second.
Think of it this way: What happens when you take chaotic, unplanned eating and simply add structure to it? Even if you're not immediately changing what you eat, the act of planning creates awareness. This awareness naturally leads to better choices over time, without the dramatic (and usually unsustainable) overhauls that diet culture promotes.
Here's what most people skip in their planning process: evaluation. Without looking back at what worked and what didn't, you're missing the most valuable part of planning. This isn't about judgment – it's about gathering data to make your next plan more realistic and sustainable.
When evaluating your plan, consider:
The disconnect between morning you and evening you often comes down to broken trust. Think about it: How many times have you made ambitious plans and failed to follow through? Each time this happens, you chip away at your self-trust.
The solution isn't to make more ambitious plans or to try harder. Instead:
Remember: The goal isn't to become a different person. The goal is to become a more integrated version of yourself, where your plans and actions align with your real needs and capabilities.
The next time you sit down to plan your food, ask yourself: "Am I planning for the real me, or am I planning for an idealized version of myself?" Your answer to this question could be the difference between another failed plan and the beginning of lasting change.
The truth is, you don't need to become a different person to achieve your health goals. You just need to learn to work with yourself – morning, evening, and every moment in between.
[00:00:00] Maggie: [00:00:10] Hello,
[00:00:14] Maggie: everybody.
[00:00:15] ryan: Happy New Year.
[00:00:16] Maggie: Happy New Year.
[00:00:17] ryan: Welcome to 2025.
[00:00:19] Maggie: Welcome [00:00:20] to the Why We Overeat podcast.
[00:00:21] ryan: Welcome to the new podcast. Welcome to a new year. I hope you're doing great.
[00:00:25] ryan: Happy New Year.
[00:00:26] Maggie: Can I say something? It feels like you do need to say something. What is it?
[00:00:29] ryan: It's [00:00:30] regarding the last two weeks of the year. and eating in the last two weeks of the year. And you know what I've come to the conclusion of? What? Outside of binging and feeling sick, nothing [00:00:40] fucking matters.
[00:00:40] Maggie: What do you mean outside of binging and feeling sick?
[00:00:43] Maggie: It
[00:00:43] ryan: doesn't matter. What? I just see so much talk about, and I guess this is mostly a vibe club, but of like people like having [00:00:50] anxiety about what they did and eating.
[00:00:52] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:00:52] ryan: And I don't think it matters.
[00:00:53] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:00:54] ryan: I just don't.
[00:00:54] Maggie: It's one of those experiences that falls into the like, How often do you have the last two weeks of the [00:01:00] year?
[00:01:00] Maggie: Once a year. You're like, how often do you have Thanksgiving?
[00:01:03] ryan: But there's so much thinking and evaluating going on about what I did over the last two weeks.
[00:01:08] Maggie: Yeah, and
[00:01:08] ryan: I don't think it matters
[00:01:09] Maggie: [00:01:10] Yeah,
[00:01:10] ryan: I don't think it matters. I've been through this cycle three or four times now There's there's caveats though.
[00:01:14] ryan: Don't make yourself sick And As long as you, you're back on track. It does not [00:01:20] matter.
[00:01:20] Maggie: Well, those two weeks are over now, right? By the time everyone hears this.
[00:01:23] ryan: Yeah, but do you, do you hear what I'm saying though? Do you get the essence of what I'm saying? It doesn't fucking matter. You're
[00:01:28] Maggie: saying there's nothing to problem solve.
[00:01:29] Maggie: No. About the [00:01:30] last two weeks. Like, okay, how do we make sure that doesn't happen again? I don't think there is. Yeah. I don't think there is. And that's what I'm saying about Thanksgiving too. People are like, oh my God, I overeat on Thanksgiving. And I'm like, okay, well you can kind of evaluate that and be [00:01:40] like, okay, what do I want to do next year?
[00:01:42] Maggie: But like, it's, it's a very common occurrence for things very discombobulating time right now. Like there's just the kids [00:01:50] are Like the holidays after being so go, go, go, all of a sudden there's Nothing at least for us, there's, there's nothing. And you're kind of like, what do I do? And you're kind of waiting to get back into that routine.
[00:01:59] Maggie: [00:02:00] And yeah, a lot of people use that empty space and they fill that space with cookies.
[00:02:04] ryan: And who cares?
[00:02:04] ryan: I guess it's, I guess it depends on the person. It depends on where I'm at right now. It doesn't fucking matter.
[00:02:09] Maggie: For Ryan [00:02:10] Sterling, it doesn't matter. And It's just, for a lot of people, it's just, it's all about an efficient use of your time, I think. And, like, I would love for you to spend a [00:02:20] lot of time figuring out, like, what you're gonna do now and very little time lamenting about what you've done over the last couple weeks about how, like, the leftovers got to you, the boredom got to [00:02:30] you, the restlessness got to you.
[00:02:31] Maggie: It
[00:02:31] ryan: happens every year, guys. It's the same thing every year. Yeah. how many more years are we gonna be like, Oh, I eat way too much on Christmas and the day after Christmas and the day after [00:02:40] that. Yeah, that's what we do on the holidays, I don't know, dude. I just, I don't think it's the time or place.
[00:02:45] Maggie: Yeah, it just, it just depends. I know. It just depends. Some people have been [00:02:50] overeating since, October 31st. So it really, he's really just referring to the last couple of weeks of the year when things feel wonky, you're in a weird zone, you literally, you [00:03:00] truly don't know what day it is and you're eating.
[00:03:03] ryan: It's even outside of eating, the time period is wonky.
[00:03:08] Maggie: Yeah. The kids are home.
[00:03:09] ryan: There's nothing to [00:03:10] do.
[00:03:10] Maggie: You're like, it's Saturday. And someone's like, no, it's Sunday. And you're like, no, it's not. No, it's not. And they're like, no, it is. And you're like, whoa, it is so, it's such a weird. [00:03:20] And I do think it has to do with like, there's just so much stuff.
[00:03:22] Maggie: And then all of a sudden there's like nothing. Yeah. And we're recording this on New Year's Eve. And in a couple of days, everything will be back. Next
[00:03:28] ryan: Monday when the kids go back to school is [00:03:30] when I'll be like, okay, what are we doing?
[00:03:31] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:03:31] ryan: That's when I'll be like, okay, what am, what are we doing? Until then, I'm just trying not to eat until I'm sick.
[00:03:36] ryan: Yeah. I'll have some cookies here and there. I'm trying not to stuff myself. You're not like making a [00:03:40] daily plan
[00:03:40] Maggie: and like trying to like, yeah.
[00:03:41] ryan: I'm just, just trying to not stuff myself. Yeah. That's it. That's all I care about.
[00:03:47] Maggie: Yeah. There are seasons.
[00:03:48] ryan: Yeah. Sorry. [00:03:50] It was just a little rant. I just felt strongly about it.
[00:03:52] ryan: And why is
[00:03:52] Maggie: that though? Do you just feel like I, this isn't like you're in a space right now. Like we were just over with my sister and brother in law last night and they were like, Oh my [00:04:00] God, we ate so much food in California. I'm up a bunch of weight. And also everyone's just kind of like, I just don't care right now.
[00:04:06] Maggie: Like, we're gonna figure it out.
[00:04:08] ryan: I guess maybe that's where it comes from, is like my [00:04:10] confidence in getting back to, back to plan. Like, I know people stress, Oh, I gained, I gained 12 pounds. Like, dude, that's not, I know it's not gonna be that. But you're at [00:04:20] a different,
[00:04:20] Maggie: you're at a different place. There is, it's because you have that trust.
[00:04:23] Maggie: And that we were having a conversation like that when we were driving, where we were talking about how everyone stresses about vacations, like gaining weight on vacation, [00:04:30] because they literally believe like, This week will be stuck on because they don't actually have a safe landing place to go back to.
[00:04:37] Maggie: That's why I love vibe club. It's like the goal is to get you to [00:04:40] a place where even when things veer off, hopefully you've put in the work to be able to figure out, Oh, I just need to get back to this. This works. And a lot of people, they don't have that. [00:04:50] So, so even the way you're feeling with the last two weeks being like, this doesn't matter for somebody who doesn't have anything nailed down at all.
[00:04:56] Maggie: It does, it's going to roll into the next year and it's going [00:05:00] to be a problem. So I'll go ahead and just let you guys know that Vibe Club is still open for enrollment. What we're going to talk about today on this podcast and already have talked about today on this [00:05:10] podcast is going to perfectly roll into the work we're doing in Vibe Club in January and always.
[00:05:15] Maggie: The reason Ryan has so little drama. about the holiday eating, this weird [00:05:20] two week period, being up a little bit of weight, all of that. It's just because there's just no doubt that I know exactly what to do on Monday. And not in a diet y mentality, diet starts Monday, in a like, no, I [00:05:30] literally am just going to go back to my plan and listening to my body.
[00:05:33] Maggie: That's it. But when you don't have the foundation of I know how to make a plan and I know how to listen to my body, you're not getting [00:05:40] back to that. , now you've gained weight, you feel gross, you, and, What are people, everybody wants to do after exactly the way you're feeling right now if you don't have that self trust they're like, [00:05:50] I need an overhaul, I need an overhaul, I need a cleanse and I get that feeling I get why cleanses and fasts are so appealing at this time of year because you're like, I [00:06:00] just want to I want to be baptized and made new again, because I feel like garbage and then just imagine being in that headspace which you can't imagine because you've been there before and [00:06:10] being like, so what am I going to do?
[00:06:11] Maggie: And then the internet's like, , did someone say that you needed new diet plans? And then the ads start coming, and the ads, and the ads, and the ads. So, the VIVE Club is still open for enrollment, [00:06:20] we are doing a January Challenge that's focusing on the foundation of planning that I teach. Figuring out why that plan is working and not working.
[00:06:27] Maggie: I'm stripping things back even [00:06:30] more than I normally do for people because I've been having so many coaching calls lately and people posting in the WhatsApp group and everything talking about like, I'm ready to get back on track. Who, like, [00:06:40] what do I need to do? And I'm like,
[00:06:42] ryan: your tone is just overcompensating.
[00:06:44] ryan: I could just hear it in your voice. Yeah,
[00:06:45] Maggie: like I can tell that what's what's driving it is underlying like a little bit of [00:06:50] panic. And it's like, okay, I know that if I just I need to go to the gym, at least four times this week, I need to make sure I up my hydration. You haven't been drinking. drinking any water and now you need to drink a gallon and , [00:07:00] you've been eating a lot of sugar and so it's fine if we cut the carbs down because it's not really compensating because you know, so many
[00:07:06] ryan: do things
[00:07:08] Maggie: because it's like, but you know, like [00:07:10] it's not a dieting thing because I just don't feel good and I want to feel, I'll feel better if I just, if I do no sugar January, that's what I need to do.
[00:07:19] Maggie: Yeah. [00:07:20] it's a lot, it's a lot of drama and what's so fascinating to me, this is for anyone in Vibe Club or not, is the resistance that I get back when I'm like, pull it back. If you want to dress it up later, [00:07:30] you want to add bells and whistles, you want to up your hydration, you want to up level, you want to do that stuff, that's fine.
[00:07:34] Maggie: You're not doing anything right now. , and that's what's so fascinating to me is that , when we're like in the [00:07:40] negative, we want to jump to level 100, but you're not even doing the basic stuff and you somehow want to take it to the next level and you don't realize that if you want to take it to the next level, we need to roll it back to the [00:07:50] basics because that's where you're going to get results anyways.
[00:07:52] Maggie: You don't get more results because you're more hydrated. And as we've talked, and I'm not going to argue, no one argues me about that, okay? And we're not going to get [00:08:00] more results because we're going to the gym more or we're getting 10, 000 steps. I'm not saying it has , no effect at all, but you guys, it's not having the effect you think it is.
[00:08:08] Maggie: And the fact that you're trying to start [00:08:10] seven things at once and do a shitty job on stopping the overeating means everything's going slower and you're working 10 times harder. Why are you doing that? Why are you doing that? And it [00:08:20] goes against everything inside us that's like, no, eat less, move more. I just need to burn more calories than I eat.
[00:08:28] Maggie: Like it's just something [00:08:30] inside of us is like 150 grams of protein, 10, 000 steps. What every bro online wants to tell you to do, working out, strength training three to four times a week. I don't have a problem with any of those things [00:08:40] in isolation. It's when you think after doing none of those things or those things a very, very spotty, very shitty job at doing those things, you are now on January 1st going to wake up with a sense [00:08:50] of, you know, willpower and motivation that you've never once displayed in your life.
[00:08:54] ryan: Yeah. It's really brick upon brick.
[00:08:56] Maggie: It is brick by brick. It's what we're always talking about on this [00:09:00] podcast If you want to stop overeating, you have to get comfortable being honest with yourself and like, it's never a bad idea to roll things back to just the [00:09:10] bare bones basics. , it's never a bad idea to be like, I'm gonna get better at listening to my body.
[00:09:15] Maggie: I'm gonna get better at planning. Everyone wants to go to like step 15. And [00:09:20] I use , those other steps. Like, for example, in my course, module two is all about the reasons why we overeat and how to stop it and like actual tools. A lot more of the mindset work and the thought work and [00:09:30] everything.
[00:09:30] Maggie: Whereas module one is really about the do stuff, the stuff that you need to do. And then module two is about how to, make that stuff easier, but you have to have the right foundation.
[00:09:38] ryan: That's what the challenge is.
[00:09:39] Maggie: And that's what the [00:09:40] challenge is. It's about getting that foundation done, rolling it back, focusing on something very specific for 30 days, despite everything and you being like, this isn't enough.
[00:09:48] Maggie: This isn't enough. I need to do more. [00:09:50] Let that be there. Let that be there because your brain is wrong. More is not better in the world of weight loss. I truly believe that. more keeps you busier, more makes [00:10:00] you feel like you're working harder than you are. I want you guys to get results. That's why I have no problem telling someone when they're obsessed about exercise and they think that they have to overcompensate.
[00:10:08] Maggie: I'm like, drop the exercise. I [00:10:10] have no problem telling them that. I know tons of people on the interview, no exercise is so good for you. I don't disagree with that, we have such warped views of all the bells and whistles and [00:10:20] why 10, 000 steps is absolutely necessary. And then we have all the reasons why it's just so good for your health and blah, blah.
[00:10:26] Maggie: Yes, it is. But if you're eating your ass off, that's also [00:10:30] not good for your health. It's not good for your weight loss goal. So , let's pull it back. Okay. Get that foundation done and then we can work from there. But the cool thing about rolling things back to the [00:10:40] basics is that You're going to get the results that way.
[00:10:42] Maggie: That's actually going to help you lose weight. I'm not asking you, go to this step that's not going to make anything happen. Do these things that you're never going to see any [00:10:50] results. Some people, they just start planning and they just instantly start losing weight. Just with the awareness.
[00:10:54] ryan: Yeah. What you're saying is roll it back to the one thing that really matters.
[00:10:57] ryan: And we're not saying don't exercise and don't do that [00:11:00] stuff. We're saying add that stuff on later as you feel the capacity.
[00:11:03] Maggie: Yeah. And it's so easy to do that at that time because you're like, Oh yeah, like I've got this down. I think I'd like to get more movement. I think I would enjoy [00:11:10] moving my body more.
[00:11:10] Maggie: And at that time, it's like,
[00:11:12] ryan: you're also doing it for better reasons too.
[00:11:13] Maggie: A hundred percent. That's why I think it can be important to stop that stuff sometimes, like just stop it and [00:11:20] reintegrate it when you're in a better headspace where you're not doing it from this place of I need to burn calories. If that's why you're working out, stop exercising, stop exercising.
[00:11:29] Maggie: [00:11:30] Find a better reason to do it. Does that mean once you start doing it again from a better headspace you won't be burning calories? No, I guess you still will be, but you need to be doing it for a different reason. If you're trying to [00:11:40] exercise to lose weight, stop exercising. Like, focus on what is going into your mouth.
[00:11:47] Maggie: So the reason why I'm really excited to do this [00:11:50] challenge is because of something we wanted to talk about on this podcast today that someone had said in the WhatsApp group, which again, it's, it's just really fun to have that community [00:12:00] versus Facebook. So for anybody who wants to have a good time and figure this shit out, it's a great place to do that.
[00:12:05] Maggie: , but someone had posted something. Did you take a screenshot of it or you just want to go with a [00:12:10] general idea?
[00:12:10] ryan: I read it and I was like, Ooh, that's a good, that's a good podcast idea.
[00:12:13] Maggie: Yes. It was, it was based around, I make a plan in the morning. Who is the person later in the [00:12:20] day? It's not the same person who made the plan.
[00:12:22] Maggie: The person who has to follow it. It was
[00:12:23] ryan: specifically, where did the person who made the plan go? Yes,
[00:12:26] Maggie: yes.
[00:12:27] ryan: Because I, I'm a different person at night.
[00:12:29] Maggie: [00:12:30] Yeah.
[00:12:30] Maggie: What I love about that is like my brain is as a coach goes so many different directions. And so that's kind of what I wanted to talk about because, and that's why the challenge is so important.
[00:12:38] Maggie: That's literally [00:12:40] the point of the challenge. If you are making a plan every day and you're never following it, there's going to be so there's, there are so many different ways I would go with somebody based on coaching [00:12:50] them.
[00:12:50] Maggie: There are different reasons why you feel like there's a different version of you showing up.
[00:12:54] Maggie: The first one that comes to my mind is the person that made the plan in the morning [00:13:00] is not being for real with themselves at all. That version of you is not hungry yet. First of all, you're like making this plan early before breakfast even hits and you're like, okay, [00:13:10] I'm going to have an apple for a snack.
[00:13:12] Maggie: That's always a red flag to me when I see someone putting an apple for a snack, like just an apple . . A lot of the time the, the plan is made thinking that you [00:13:20] have way more willpower than you have, that you like don't have the taste buds that you have, that you're not going to have the desire for the foods that you're actually going to want.
[00:13:27] Maggie: And you're not hungry yet and you're looking at this plan and you're like, okay, [00:13:30] let's see. Um, I don't know, protein oatmeal for breakfast, a salad for lunch and then like salmon and rice for dinner. And then as soon as you get to. [00:13:40] Later on in the day, you're like, I don't want to follow this at all. So it, it, it comes down to different things.
[00:13:45] Maggie: It comes down to the way you're planning. Sometimes I have to have conversations with people where they're like, I make my [00:13:50] plan and I just don't want it. And there's like this rebellious aspect of them that's just like, I just don't want to eat what I planned. And then we have to kind of dig into, Why?
[00:13:57] Maggie: Like you're the one who made the plan. You made that [00:14:00] decision. And you don't want to just be constantly like bucking against yourself where it's like, I decided what I wanted for lunch and like, now I don't want that anymore. So do we need to change what you're planning or [00:14:10] do we need to change what you're thinking?
[00:14:11] Maggie: And that's another thing that came up in Vibe Club the other day, maybe today, I don't know, all my days are blending. Like we had talked about at the beginning of this podcast, it's, it's very [00:14:20] tempting to always want to change what you're doing. And so it's important in this month in Vibe Club, we're going to be focusing a lot on planning, which is something that you do, but also knowing that the [00:14:30] beliefs that you have about the food that you're supposed to eat, about what it takes to lose weight, about how often you can eat carbs, about how often you can have a dessert.
[00:14:37] Maggie: All of those thoughts will [00:14:40] always win. Your thinking is always going to win over what you're doing. You can't out action yourself out of beliefs and thoughts. And that's why I need everyone [00:14:50] getting this foundational thing down so that we can get to the beliefs and get to the thoughts and get to the noise that's driving the way that you're planning.
[00:14:58] ryan: Someone who says, [00:15:00] where did the person go who made the plan in the morning? To me, what's jumping out is like, tell me you're not doing evaluations without telling me.
[00:15:08] Maggie: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:15:09] ryan: , you're [00:15:10] not doing evaluations, if that's a problem for you.
[00:15:12] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:15:12] ryan: You're not.
[00:15:13] Maggie: And it's just not the thing to skip.
[00:15:15] ryan: Let me tell you, everyone skips it.
[00:15:18] ryan: I have the data on it. [00:15:20] Everyone, maybe 10 percent of plans that are made actually have evaluations connected to them. It's, it's bad. It's bad.
[00:15:27] Maggie: And that's what we're going to change. I just [00:15:30] think it's, why is it?
[00:15:30] ryan: Why is it? Why is that?
[00:15:32] Maggie: Why is it that people aren't doing evaluations? There's, well, I mean, another thing that came up when I was coaching somebody in the what type group is like, we, it's, [00:15:40] I feel like it's easier to do things where, you know, you're guaranteed to get something out of it.
[00:15:44] Maggie: You're like, like, when we know we're going to get what we want, we're like, yeah, okay, I'll do it. It's worth it. Like [00:15:50] you can guarantee. Okay. So, And so people will be like, Oh yeah, like I know this works. And I'm like, but you don't though, like you don't know that it works or you'd be doing it. You believe that it [00:16:00] works.
[00:16:00] Maggie: You believe that it could possibly work for you, but you're not doing it because your brain is telling you it's just not worth it. These are the excuses I hear. I just keep writing the same thing. I don't think I'm going deep enough. I don't [00:16:10] think I know how to do it. And so I'm just not going to do it.
[00:16:13] Maggie: How about instead we could try doing it and getting better at doing it, and asking questions, asking what other people have done. That's the whole [00:16:20] point. How do I answer this question in a way that's going to affect the way I continue to plan? Instead, people make plans, they don't follow them, they don't like how they feel about [00:16:30] not following them, so they stop planning.
[00:16:31] Maggie: We're never even getting to the evaluation, because we're just so busy feeling so terrible that not following my plan makes me feel bad. And that has nothing [00:16:40] to do with the plan. I could never coach you about your plan enough to override the fact. That you believe that not following your plan means you're a loser and that you're lazy and that you're [00:16:50] never gonna get it and whatever else is making you feel bad about not following your plan.
[00:16:55] Maggie: That's what I had to talk to somebody about. Like I feel bad when I don't follow my plan. Not following [00:17:00] your plan can never make you feel bad. That's just because there are plenty of people who don't follow their plan, they don't feel bad at all. What makes you feel bad is the meaning you're giving it.
[00:17:08] Maggie: And that's all of the work that we do in Vibe [00:17:10] Club. That's how you get your brain to shut up. But one part, one step that's part of that is letting that stuff come up and letting the discomfort be [00:17:20] there and letting the noise be there and letting the judgments that you have be there and realizing like I am creating this disappointment and I don't have to.
[00:17:29] Maggie: I could actually use [00:17:30] this as a really good learning experience. I could actually use this to make my plans better so that I get through this hump. Because there's way too many people stopping it. I just never follow it. So I stopped planning.
[00:17:39] ryan: Well, it's [00:17:40] so common.
[00:17:40] Maggie: So why, why aren't you following it? And those are the types of questions that we're going to be able to get into in more depth.
[00:17:46] ryan: Um, I just think people don't want to do that work. For sure. They [00:17:50] thought, oh, I just write down what I eat and I'll lose weight. Yeah. Easy. No, that's not the point. Yeah. The point of writing down what you eat is so you can actually look back on your day and problem solve. Yeah. If you're not doing that, you're stripping [00:18:00] yourself of all the value of planning.
[00:18:01] Maggie: Yeah, exactly. we have to take some of the emotion out of it. You really do. Like there is, there doesn't need to be a ton of emotional shit [00:18:10] happening around planning. It's very black and white. It's just like you're going to just like decide what you're going to eat for the day and you're going to write it down.
[00:18:15] Maggie: And then if you don't do that, we want to look at the specific places where you're not doing it and [00:18:20] why. Was it a thinking issue? Was it a planning issue? Did you plan poorly? Are you never putting stuff that you want to eat because you're afraid you can't eat it? Okay, then we're going to need to do some experiments and [00:18:30] exposures around, we need to put that stuff on your plan and we need to eat it more on purpose.
[00:18:34] Maggie: There's so much learning that can happen and we don't get any of that, like you just [00:18:40] said. All of that. We forfeit it because we're like, well, not following it makes me feel bad.
[00:18:44] ryan: Yeah. And so it doesn't work. Planning doesn't work because I don't follow the plan.
[00:18:47] Maggie: Yeah, exactly.
[00:18:47] ryan: That's not the point of the plan.
[00:18:48] ryan: So what's
[00:18:48] Maggie: the point of planning? [00:18:50] If I'm not going to follow it?
[00:18:51] ryan: The point just went completely over your head.
[00:18:53] Maggie: It's to figure out what, what's happening in this gap here between making the plan and then the person later who's showing [00:19:00] up. Why are they so different? Where, like, there is a reason why those two people are so different.
[00:19:05] ryan: Why does somebody think it's a different person? that's quite extreme.
[00:19:08] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:19:08] ryan: How does somebody get to that point? [00:19:10]
[00:19:10] Maggie: Where you feel like there's literally a different, because I mean we've talked about this, we've talked about this many times. you're not taking into account the tired version of yourself.
[00:19:18] Maggie: You're not taking into [00:19:20] account the schedule that you have. You're not taking into account the beliefs that you have in other people. discovered yet that you haven't worked through. the version of us in the morning or maybe even the night before has all [00:19:30] this hope for what could be possible.
[00:19:31] Maggie: What that tells me, if someone tells me they feel like two completely different people, it means the planning is not realistic planning. You have to start from where you [00:19:40] are. You can't just start at where you want to be. And that's what people try to do when they start the new year stuff.
[00:19:45] Maggie: And they're like, these are all the things I want to be doing. So I'm going to start them all [00:19:50] now. It's the same thing with planning. You don't plan the way you want to eventually end up planning. You plan based on who you are right now. And I know that people have a resistance [00:20:00] to that because they're like, that's not going to be enough.
[00:20:01] Maggie: That's going to be the biggest thing that will pop up.
[00:20:03] ryan: I'm binging and overeating every day. So how am I going to plan a binge and overeat every day? Where do I start from there?
[00:20:08] Maggie: Yeah, you start planning with the [00:20:10] foods that you're eating and you just up level from there. You be realistic. It goes one of two ways I notice when people start VibeGlobe.
[00:20:16] Maggie: They either have been planning with a really bad diet mentality where [00:20:20] they're only planning diet foods. And I'm like, start there because that's what you're doing already. Start there and we'll up level from there. And then other people that are just eating what you would consider not to be diet foods and that's all they're eating.
[00:20:29] Maggie: And I'm like, [00:20:30] start there. You just want to start with where you're at and what happens. Let's say you are eating a bunch of. junk food and non healthy food. What happens when you take that [00:20:40] chaotic, eating whatever I want, eating whenever I want, eating however I want, and we take that and we put it into a plan.
[00:20:45] Maggie: And now that's on the plan. And there's some intentionality there. And it's like, [00:20:50] yeah, I have been eating Nutter Butters for breakfast. So I'm just going to go ahead, put those Nutter Butters on the plan.
[00:20:55] ryan: Nobody does that, Maggie. Nobody wants to do that.
[00:20:59] Maggie: Nobody wants to [00:21:00] do that. Yeah, correct.
[00:21:01] ryan: , what you're saying makes no sense to anyone.
[00:21:03] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:21:04] ryan: I'm telling you right now. It makes sense to me.
[00:21:06] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:21:07] ryan: I'm not just saying , I'm a genius over here, but I know what you're saying, [00:21:10] but nobody is going to think that's going to work.
[00:21:13] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:21:13] ryan: Tell them why it's going to work.
[00:21:14] Maggie: It's going to work because we're taking the chaos out of it. We're taking the, I just do whatever I [00:21:20] want, whenever I want, and you know what?
[00:21:21] Maggie: It doesn't hurt to, to look at that in the plan and be like, okay, if I were going to, if I were, if I asked you to make a plan from what you ate yesterday. Without any [00:21:30] of your overhaul or anything, exactly what you had yesterday, I want you to put it on a plan. It just gives you a starting place, and you get to look at it and be like, is it ideal, [00:21:40] and I know you guys are going to answer this question with your diet brain, but I'm going to continue.
[00:21:43] Maggie: Is it ideal, To be starting my day with Nutter butters and your brain's gonna be like, no, you need to be eating egg whites. And you're gonna hear [00:21:50] that and you're gonna say, okay, gosh, okay. 'cause we don't need to jump from nutter butters to egg whites. But do you think there's some way we could just level up from there from the nutter butters for breakfast?[00:22:00]
[00:22:00] Maggie: What would that look like? Do you like eggs and toast? Maybe eggs and a half of a bagel
[00:22:05] ryan: and maybe, maybe a couple nut butters on that plate too.
[00:22:07] Maggie: Maybe a nutter butter. I get it because it just feels like [00:22:10] that wouldn't possibly work. What you're doing isn't working. So trust me.
[00:22:15] ryan: It's not about doing something that works.
[00:22:17] ryan: It's about getting yourself to a place [00:22:20] eventually where something works.
[00:22:21] Maggie: Yes.
[00:22:22] ryan: , and your attempts at trying to jump to that is not working.
[00:22:26] Maggie: They've been failing. So we must find a middle ground.
[00:22:28] ryan: Yeah.
[00:22:29] Maggie: And you know what? [00:22:30] Maybe you're like, Maggie, please God, do not make me put the Nutter Butters for breakfast.
[00:22:33] Maggie: That's fine. But you're not allowed to jump to the diet version of yourself. But I don't think it would hurt for [00:22:40] you to literally be like, I'm going to make my plan. I'm going to go based off as much as I can remember from yesterday. Tell me what your plan was yesterday. Tell me what you ate. Let's make your plan.
[00:22:46] ryan: Yesterday?
[00:22:47] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:22:47] ryan: I probably had three cookies for breakfast. I [00:22:50] don't remember what I had for lunch. I had that big ass Chipotle brio for dinner. I had a couple more cookies after that and a cinnamon roll.
[00:22:55] Maggie: Eating a lot of cookies. Okay. So if you were to meet yourself where you're at, you'd put that on your [00:23:00] plan and be like, okay, and we're just going back dating.
[00:23:01] Maggie: And you're like, okay, so yesterday this was what I ate. Yeah. It wasn't intentional. Had it been a little more intentional, you may have eaten less cookies. Like, who knows what would have happened. We don't know if you [00:23:10] guys don't fucking plan it. Like, just put it down. Just trust me on these little experiments that help you see things in a different way and be like, okay, without a plan, I'm eating eight [00:23:20] cookies, a cinnamon roll, and a gigantic chipotle burrito.
[00:23:23] Maggie: I don't feel amazing. It has Ryan doing the rant that he just did this morning. He's not feeling great. Okay. That's not how I [00:23:30] want to be eating. My brain is going to tell me that I need to immediately jump to diet mode where I'm not eating until noon. When I do eat at noon, I can have three scrambled eggs and then I'm going to have apples and [00:23:40] Greek yogurt.
[00:23:40] Maggie: And then I'm going to have chicken and broccoli for dinner. That's what my brain wants to tell me. We need to overcorrect. We need to hop into this is very healthy food. This is very good for me, but we know that that jump [00:23:50] is too high. We know it's not realistic. We know it's not how you want to eat at least yet.
[00:23:54] Maggie: Maybe in the future, you do eat like this. But we're not going to jump there yet and try and meet yourself [00:24:00] where you're at. Look at the reality of what you're doing and then know that we can just, just planning it alone brings a level of intention that allows you to feel like [00:24:10] I can make a choice here.
[00:24:11] Maggie: Would I like to eat Nutter Butters for breakfast? Do I want to eat three cookies? Before 7am? Mm hmm. No, I don't really want to do that. [00:24:20] What's a realistic plan for today? That's good. That's going to be the most important thing. It has to be realistic. Obviously, it's not ideal to start from a, I've been binging plan [00:24:30] or I've been dieting my ass off plan.
[00:24:32] Maggie: But. We just kind of, we have to have a starting place. , you cannot, I've said this quote so many times. I'll butcher it, but you guys get the gist. You [00:24:40] cannot optimize or strategize around something that doesn't exist. You can't make your plan better. You can't lose weight faster. You can't speed anything up when, There's [00:24:50] nothing that exists.
[00:24:51] Maggie: We can't make your plan better. We can't make it easier to follow. We can't do any of that because you're not planning.
[00:24:57] ryan: All of this is just really kind of tricking your brain.
[00:24:59] Maggie: [00:25:00] Yes.
[00:25:00] ryan: You're tricking your brain by not overcorrecting and feeling like there is scarcity. But you're also becoming more intentional with your eating.
[00:25:08] Maggie: Yes.
[00:25:09] ryan: So it's [00:25:10] kind of a, it's, this is a brain hack get yourself to a point where it doesn't feel awful being intentional with your eating and making a plan and eating in a way to lose weight. And it's going [00:25:20] to take a couple weeks or maybe a couple months of making a plan that is not a weight loss plan.
[00:25:25] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:25:26] ryan: But it's a plan to say, Hey, I'm doing this and I'm going to follow through with what I said I'm going to [00:25:30] do. Okay.
[00:25:30] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:25:31] ryan: And that's the mental side of getting your brain right. And you're not going to see the scale go down. That's not the point.
[00:25:37] Maggie: Yeah. And you might also.
[00:25:39] ryan: Yeah.
[00:25:39] Maggie: We don't know.
[00:25:39] ryan: A [00:25:40] lot of people do.
[00:25:40] Maggie: A lot of people do.
[00:25:41] ryan: Yeah.
[00:25:41] Maggie: It's, it's just one of those things. It's like, maybe, maybe not. But it, but it's worth it. It's worth laying the groundwork because you have to be honest that if you want to come into Vibe Club and [00:25:50] you, and please don't do this, try to skirt the program and plan with your dieting brain and like just not do any, just using everything just like MyFitnessPal.
[00:25:58] Maggie: Yeah. You're going [00:26:00] to revolt against that. You're going to push back. And that does not work. You come in and use my planning app as my fitness pal and you're doing all your calculations in your [00:26:10] head. Your brain knows what you're doing. I have a hard enough time trying to convince your brain this is not a diet.
[00:26:15] Maggie: We are not dieting. That's not what we're doing right now when you make this plan. Because my major dieters [00:26:20] are like, I, I, making a plan isn't going to change anything. I've planned my food obsessively on my fitness pal for the last five years. Yeah, and yet you're here. So [00:26:30] we know that that's not working and it wasn't the planning on MyFitnessPal.
[00:26:34] Maggie: That's the determiner of success or failure. It's about planning, evaluating that plan, [00:26:40] finding out if you feel good eating the way that you're eating, if it's creating the results that you want, if you're feeling more peace around food, if you're able to enjoy yourself more, if you're okay with making pivots, [00:26:50] if you like, those are the things, nobody's doing that shit with MyFitnessPal.
[00:26:53] Maggie: Nobody's tracking all their calories and then being like, Oh, they're just saying, am I out of calories yet? How many more calories do I have allowed?
[00:26:59] ryan: Eat [00:27:00] the numbers.
[00:27:00] Maggie: Yeah. We like turning you into this robot that does just doesn't have any emotions or any hunger or any. You know, desire for pleasurable food ever, like that's [00:27:10] not, the Vibe Club is a program for humans, not for robots.
[00:27:14] Maggie: And so, we have to take that into account and I, and I as a coach have to work with that human [00:27:20] part of your brain that's just like, this isn't enough, this isn't going to be fast enough, this isn't going to make the changes. It's not if you don't do it, but it's a very well proven process [00:27:30] when done as taught.
[00:27:33] Maggie: It is of a terrible process when done with your diet brain. And remember, you're [00:27:40] going to come in with a diet brain. I get that already. But when that is not put down, when that is not surrendered, like when that is not, I had someone in my club, they [00:27:50] posted that they had, they were like posting about needing help with something.
[00:27:53] Maggie: And they're like, and I logged my food and my fitness pal today too. And I'm like, go ahead and delete that app. If you're in Vibe Club, [00:28:00] delete my fitness pal, stop doing the math. You have to release that grip that you have on thinking that that is safe, because that's what it is. It's like, well, [00:28:10] I am listening to my hunger, but I just need to make sure I'm not overeating by doing the calculations.
[00:28:14] Maggie: That's not what I teach. That's not what we do when we're planning.
[00:28:16] ryan: It's not listening to your hunger.
[00:28:18] Maggie: No, it's not. And we can't get there until [00:28:20] you're doing the basics. So like, I know we're talking about this over and over and it just seems like something that's so simple that's not going to make a big difference.
[00:28:26] Maggie: And it's not going to make a big difference if you do it without thinking about it and you just [00:28:30] are like, well, whatever, and you plan it and you never look at the plan again and you don't give a shit about the plan and you're never ever following anything you write on the plan. If, if that's the way you approach planning, then yeah, it's not going to [00:28:40] be helpful at all.
[00:28:40] Maggie: I can see why. You're not doing
[00:28:43] ryan: it. It's very simple. You know what makes it not simple?
[00:28:45] Maggie: Your brain.
[00:28:46] ryan: Everyone's diet mentality makes it the most complicated [00:28:50] thing in the world.
[00:28:50] Maggie: Where you're just so overwhelmed, like I just don't even know what to put. I don't even. And
[00:28:54] ryan: that's just all you're thinking about it.
[00:28:56] ryan: That's all it is. All it
[00:28:57] Maggie: ever is.
[00:28:58] ryan: Your diet mentality is just [00:29:00] thoughts about something and they're not serving you. They're not helping you. They're not useful and they're well, well ingrained thoughts. And they're
[00:29:07] Maggie: driving overeating.
[00:29:08] ryan: Yeah.
[00:29:09] Maggie: It's just so [00:29:10] crazy, our brains can just be so dumb sometimes, you know, like I'm so, so often I'm having to tell clients like, you have to look at this logically.
[00:29:18] Maggie: You have to look at this [00:29:20] rationally. Your eating to avoid discomfort is creating more discomfort. Your restriction is leading to binging. You're like [00:29:30] these things that we are doing to get what we want are creating the opposite of what we want. And that's where the rational part has got to come in because it's so irrational to be like i'm gonna start a [00:29:40] diet That i'll suddenly after 30 years i'll finally be able to do a diet, and I won't overeat, and I will lose one pound to two pounds a week, and that starts [00:29:50] tomorrow, and it will be with doing these five things.
[00:29:53] Maggie: And he's like, no, you won't. You've never been able to do that. You must try something else. And I don't mean try something else for eight [00:30:00] days either. And of those eight days, you did it three days. You have to decide, like, this is the path I'm taking, I'm not going to worry about other paths, [00:30:10] I'm not going to quit and jump back in and quit and jump back in over and over and over again.
[00:30:14] Maggie: This is what I'm doing. You have to make that choice because it has to be made so that when [00:30:20] all, when, when you all of the noise pops up, you can say, Oh, I knew that was, I knew that was going to be part of this, but the outcome I'm after is worth the work and the discomfort that I'm [00:30:30] going to have to invite in and take along the ride.
[00:30:33] ryan: That's what essentially coaching is, is just reminding people, Hey, this question you asked that that's diet [00:30:40] mentality.
[00:30:40] Maggie: Yeah.
[00:30:41] ryan: You need to, you need to notice that and do something different with that thought.
[00:30:45] Maggie: Cause it can be really sly too. It's like, it's not.
[00:30:48] ryan: Sometimes
[00:30:48] Maggie: it's like we really were [00:30:50] so conditioned that we will just say stuff that's like, no, that's absolutely a problem.
[00:30:55] Maggie: That's not, that is not the freedom that you think it is. That is not ever going to [00:31:00] create peace, that you're never going to get past this unless you expose yourself to it and allow the discomfort of that. So that it just becomes [00:31:10] quieter and less important and not something that you need to worry about.
[00:31:13] Maggie: We don't realize how much the focus and obsession on things makes them bigger. Isn't that so interesting? [00:31:20] Because we think, no, I need to focus and I need to obsess and I need to solve. And we're like, no, that's all you're doing is making this a bigger thing than it is. It's, that's what, that's what this
[00:31:29] ryan: process is [00:31:30] all about.
[00:31:30] ryan: We're not really talking about weight loss here. We're talking about behavior change and the behavior change gets you weight loss. Yes. Yes. That's, that's what it boils down to.
[00:31:37] Maggie: And the belief changing [00:31:40] is what changes the behavior. Right. It's not just behavior change on its own. If that works, like everyone would just like change what they're doing and that thing would just like work for everybody.
[00:31:48] Maggie: But it's always going to come down [00:31:50] to the beliefs that you have. And we have to be aware of what those are. You may think you know what they are, but I'm telling you, some of them are just tricky.
[00:31:57] ryan: I mean, if you want to start challenging your dieting beliefs, just look at your own [00:32:00] history.
[00:32:00] Maggie: Yeah. It's not super hard to uncover once you start paying attention to it because, but then the problem is you uncover it and you're like, what do I do with this?
[00:32:07] Maggie: Like you question it. You, you, you have to kind of put it [00:32:10] on trial in a sense and be like, is this even true? If I believe I can't lose weight eating sugar, which I did, what, what's the only way, what's the only way I'm going to [00:32:20] figure out whether or not that's true? I have to attempt to lose weight while eating sugar.
[00:32:23] Maggie: Yeah. And how do I do that? Yeah. Just the basics of everything that I teach, plan it on purpose, [00:32:30] eat it in a different way, collect the data, make changes, do it again, do it again, do it again. And then all of a sudden, these beliefs crumble away. Because how [00:32:40] can you believe vacations always fuck you over when you come home from a vacation two pounds less than you left?
[00:32:45] Maggie: just, it has no legs anymore. And it's just, it's a progressive, it's a [00:32:50] progressive process. And that's the, that's what I think. People are so uncomfortable with. Because we just want the result and we want to do all of the process all at once when it's like that's just impossible and [00:33:00] it builds on itself so that you don't, once you get the planning down, you don't ever really have to think about that again.
[00:33:05] Maggie: It just, it's second nature. Now we get to move on. Now we get to really focus on [00:33:10] hunger and enough. And then what do we get to in that second stage? I'm afraid to be hungry. I'm afraid to go to bed hungry. Eat a little extra because I'm afraid of the next time I'll be, like, there's a whole [00:33:20] new set of concerns and diet mentality , at every stage, and you want to just clear the board from day one, and it's impossible.
[00:33:29] Maggie: Yeah. [00:33:30] So, Circling back to the person who makes the plan is not the person who shows up to eat. It's like, those are two different people. That tells me you are not planning [00:33:40] realistically. It's not a plan that you want to follow. Why? Is it because of what's going on the plan or is it because of what's going on in your head?
[00:33:48] Maggie: And it can be [00:33:50] either of those things. But normally it's because the plan is made with diet mentality, shoulds, but Musts. Have tos. And when push comes to shove and it's time to eat, you're like, I don't even fucking want this. [00:34:00] I want to go to Chick fil A. Yeah. What if you just put Chick fil A on your plan?
[00:34:03] Maggie: Like, I know, it's revolutionary.
[00:34:07] ryan: Or hear me out. Uh, fast food and [00:34:10] don't overeat.
[00:34:10] Maggie: That, that's, that's all there is. And then you get this practice and being like, yeah, when, when plans change and my kid's soccer game went too late, we go through the drive through, no [00:34:20] problem. But what's the problem people have with, with that?
[00:34:22] Maggie: Well, it's not what I planned. Things changed. I always overeat fast food and now here we are. So this is a hundred percent a situation where I'm going to [00:34:30] overeat. Yeah. Then we have some work to do on that specific food, but we can never do that work when that food is never going on the plan and the only way you ever eat that food.
[00:34:39] Maggie: [00:34:40] Is in response to a shitty day, overwhelmed, plans changing, and a really shitty story about why. Well, I mean, if we're here, I'm not gonna. have self control. [00:34:50] I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna stop it enough. We'll just try again tomorrow. Yeah, easy. But you learn all of that through the planning. Even planning and putting, we're going to Chick fil A on the plan and you overeat [00:35:00] Chick fil A.
[00:35:00] Maggie: Why? Why did you overeat it? It wasn't about Chick fil A being on your plan. That wasn't why you overate. You overeat because of what you were telling yourself. What's your fast food story? What is it? [00:35:10] That'll tell me everything I need to know about why you overeat it. It'll show me your perfectionism and why you are so uncomfortable changing plans and why you want to get that perfect check mark and why [00:35:20] one, one stray from the original plan means you fucked the whole day up.
[00:35:23] Maggie: And so what's the point? All of that is the noise. All of it is the thinking and the relationship that you [00:35:30] have to certain things. And that's what I mean by progressive. We don't, we don't attack all of that on the first day. our feet wet, get more steady, and then we get to [00:35:40] approach each of those things as they come up.
[00:35:43] Maggie: They kind of get presented to you, you know? Yeah. You'll run into certain roadblocks and be like, okay, this is something I want to work on. I want to work [00:35:50] on the overdrinking on Fridays. Okay, I really want to work on DoorDash. I can't just keep overeating it. And that's what I did with keto. That it was like, I'm going to figure this out.
[00:35:58] Maggie: I'm going to figure out how to have a normal relationship with [00:36:00] carbs. I have to. And that helped me to be like, we're figuring this out. And there were overeats and there were undereats and there were, nailed it, didn't overeat at all. And that was all part of the [00:36:10] process, so. that's why Vibe Club exists.
[00:36:12] Maggie: Those kind of questions, that kind of like identity crisis of like, whoa, what is going on? Get coached. I mean, we can dig [00:36:20] so deep. Someone was surprised in Vibe Club said something, they were asking questions and I was like, this is a good thing to get coached on. And she said, I can get coached. And I was like, wait, what?
[00:36:28] Maggie: So if there's any, any of [00:36:30] you out there that aren't completely aware of how Vibe Club works, we have multiple coaching calls every month. I coach Monica coaches. We have a Q and a, you get to submit to be coached, pull [00:36:40] you up on zoom. It's not a bunch of people on the screen. It's a different format. It's a webinar format.
[00:36:44] Maggie: So it just looks like it's me and you talking. Okay. We talk about you. We talk about your exact [00:36:50] problems and concerns and you get coached and what's cool is that people are familiar with you and familiar with what you got coached on and people will hold you accountable and people will check in with [00:37:00] you and ask, how did the holidays go?
[00:37:01] Maggie: How did this thing go? and that's, that's really fun about it. So don't think, it's not group coaching in the sense of like, We coach everybody on the call or [00:37:10] like everybody is talking and it's mostly me talking like in the Q& A is it's Monica and I answering questions but on the coaching calls we're coaching [00:37:20] specific people on specific concerns and that is that would be such a good topic to get coached on because I would dig right into.
[00:37:28] Maggie: Talk to me about the version in the morning. [00:37:30] Talk to me about the version in the afternoon. What's going on? What happened in between? What does your plan look like? What were you planning? How do you feel about that plan? What, where did things go awry? [00:37:40] What's going on? Is there stress? What do your schedules look like on Tuesday?
[00:37:43] Maggie: Like all of that stuff. There's only so much I can do in a WhatsApp group, but the coaching calls is where you're able to [00:37:50] get that one to one attention. And we can do a lot in a 30 minute one to one, you know, group coaching call. that it really can change the trajectory of someone's journey. [00:38:00]
[00:38:00] ryan: Yeah, I've seen it.
[00:38:01] Maggie: Okay. Welcome to the new year. Welcome to 2025. Join Vibe Club if you're wanting that extra support. It just, it's different than this podcast and, [00:38:10] and I, I love supporting people throughout that process and the, the challenge is really going to take it to the next level to get this footing down. Everybody wants a good foundation moving into the new year.
[00:38:19] Maggie: You think you need to do [00:38:20] 75 hard. You don't. You need to do a couple things consistently, get that foundation set so that the rest of the year can be, So, I'm going to be doing what you all want to do, which is [00:38:30] adding the bells, adding the whistles, fine tuning, tinkering, all of that, but we got to get, we got to get the base created first.
[00:38:37] ryan: When does enrollment close?
[00:38:38] Maggie: Enrollment closes in a [00:38:40] week.
[00:38:40] ryan: Okay.
[00:38:41] Maggie: Can you tell me what the date is?
[00:38:42] ryan: January 10th.
[00:38:43] Maggie: January 10th.
[00:38:44] ryan: A week from?
[00:38:45] Maggie: Yeah. A week from Friday.
[00:38:46] ryan: Yeah.
[00:38:47] Maggie: Okay. All right. January 10th is when it closes. [00:38:50] And that's it. Oh, and we do have some, just really quick, we do have some, some prizes for the challenge as well, based on the data, as far as the planning and evaluating, um, we [00:39:00] are, the, one of the prizes is a coaching, a 30 minute coaching call with me and a free month in Vibe Club.
[00:39:06] Maggie: Two people will win a 30 minute coaching call with Monica and a free [00:39:10] month in Vibe Club. And then five people will win a free month in Vibe Club as well. So it'll just be fun to have some prizes as well and.
[00:39:19] ryan: And when you say coaching call, [00:39:20] that's a private coaching call?
[00:39:20] Maggie: A private coaching call. Yeah. So not a group coaching call, but a one to one coaching call.
[00:39:24] Maggie: Cool. All right. See you guys next week.
[00:39:26] ryan: See
[00:39:26] you [00:39:30] later.